Pokemon GO的2週一更新眨下眼來到第3次,上一次8月22日更新中,加入了隊長評價的新功能,可惜似乎無法滿足一眾玩家。事隔2星期,預計今日(9月5日)又會有更新,這次官方幾天前已預告會加入Buddy功能,終於可以學小智揹著比卡超周圍去!
圖:nianticlabs.com 圖:nianticlabs.comBuddy有什麼用?帶Buddy勇闖天下,你將可以在遊戲中獲得更多的獎勵,例如一起散走就可以得到Candy!看來想將鯉魚王進化成鯉魚龍也不用再為了400粒candies逐條捉了,還可以省掉精靈球捉其他小精靈。
圖:nianticlabs.com官方原文:"You will be able to pick your favorite Pokémon from your collection to become your buddy, opening up unique in-game rewards and experiences. Buddy Pokémon will appear alongside your Trainer avatar on your profile screen, adding helpful bonuses such as awarding Candy for walking together. You’ll also have the ability to change your Buddy Pokémon at any time."
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