
文: 羅志宏



謝嘉怡今日在IG社交平台上悲痛發文,沉重宣布堂兄不幸離世的噩耗,寫道:「I always question whether or not to post more personal things on my page, but in the end, we are all only human. This week we lost an incredible soul, one of the funniest and kindest people people you could meet. (我總是質疑是否要在我的頁面上發布更多個人信息,但始終我們都只是人類。今個星期,我們失去了一個令人難以置信的靈魂,他是你能遇到的最有趣、最善良的人之一。)」

謝嘉怡續道:「I only have the fondest of memories, from every birthday party to chasing the dogs around the caravan park whilst everyone else slept, to teaching me how to box so I would be allowed to go to my first festival, to catching up when l'm home talking about life, training and our ambitions. The list goes on and on, I'm so thankful for the 28 years of our lives we got to experience together. To one of my favourite mixed cousins Andrew, you will always be missed and forever be the Scottish champ. (我只有最美好的回憶,從每次生日聚會,到在其他人都睡覺的時候在大篷車公園裡追狗,到教我如何拳擊,這樣我就可以參加我的第一個節日,到我在的時候趕上。這樣的例子不勝枚舉,我非常感謝我們共同經歷的 28 年生活。對於我最喜歡的混血堂兄之一Andrew,我們將永遠懷念你,並永遠成為蘇格蘭冠軍)



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