企業強人插曲|英文歌鍾柔美Yumi主唱《Come With me》附歌詞完整版

文: 羅志宏

TVB台慶劇《企業強人》熱播中,除了劇情緊湊,穿插劇情播放的英文插曲同樣引起不少網民關注,今次的英文歌曲為《Come with me》,是《企業強人》插曲,由《聲夢》畢業生鍾柔美(Yumi)獻唱。


熟悉《強人》系列劇集的觀眾都會知道,由《律政強人》、《白色強人》、《白色強人II》、《破毒強人》,到今次的《企業強人》一樣都有一首屬於劇情的英文插曲,今次由鍾柔美深情獻唱插曲《Come With Me》,不少網民都驚嘆估唔到係佢!




企業強人|鍾柔美 - Come With Me 歌詞

The bars are closed 
quite late now
People going back home right now
The cars are gone
the streets're empty now
The stars are shining above
with whispers of love
twinkling in our beating hearts 
never apart
come with me
and dance with me
Will you be
my destiny?
Won't you sing
our love harmony?
This song'll become 
our life's greatest memory


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