
文: 王庭芝

迪士尼暑假檔期電影《維尼與我》(Christopher Robin)深受大人小朋友歡迎。小熊維尼個性樂觀,而且頭腦簡單,製造了許多令人哭笑不得的場面,面對長大後工作大過天的羅賓,雖然維尼都過撞不少板,但有時又不經意說出充滿睿智的對白,特別引發打工仔的共鳴,一齊重溫戲中14段暖心對白啦!

無所事事,往往帶來最好的事。(Doing nothing often leads to the very best something.)

夢想有代價(Dreams don’t come for free.)

我們永遠都會是好朋友。(We will be friends until forever, just you wait and see.)

你喜歡你份工嗎?(Do you like your job?)


羅賓:人不喜歡異類。/ 維尼:所以我不能做自己?/ 羅賓:不。/ 維尼:這樣令人很混亂。(Robin: People don’t like abnormal. / Pooh: So I can’t be myself?/ Robin: No./ Pooh: That’s confusing.)

羅賓:我迷失了。/ 維尼:但我找到你了。(Robin: I’m lost./ Pooh: But I found you.)

有人話無事不可能,但我一直無所事事。(People say nothing is impossible, but I do nothing every day.)

我總是離開所在地,就去到目的地。(I always get to where I’m going by walking away from where I have been.)

維尼:如果你忘記我會怎樣?/ 羅賓:笨小熊,我絕不會忘記你,維尼,我擔保,到100歲也不會。(Pooh: What should happen if you forget about me?/ Robin: Silly old bear. I wouldn't ever forget about you, Pooh, I promise. Not even when I'm a hundred.)

你的人生在當下,在你眼前。(Your life is happening now, right in front of you.)

我這樣工作不對,我一切都不對,我要回到家人身邊。(I was wrong about work. I was wrong about everything, and I’ve got to get back to my family.)

總是天朗氣清……每當羅賓來玩。(It’s a sunny day, when Christopher Robin comes to play.)

維尼:這是甚麼日子?/ 羅賓:就是今天。/ 維尼:噢,是我最愛的一天。(Pooh: What day is it? / Robin: It’s today./ Pooh: Oh, my favourite day.)

跳跳虎最大的優點就是我是獨一無二的。(The most wonderful thing about Tigger is that I’m the only one.)


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