迪士尼電影《獅子王》(The Lion King)真人版上周終於上映,全球粉絲期待已久終於可以在大銀幕一睹「小辛巴」的可愛樣子,除了經典的電影配樂外,動畫電影中的對白一樣經典,當中不少金句更藏有人生寓意,面對逆境時或者可為大家帶來啟發,不如一齊重溫一下!
1.拉飛奇:「你必須在生命循環中找到立足之地。」(You must take your place in the circle of life.)
(Whenever you feel alone, just remember that those kings will always be there to guide you, and so will I. )
(I'm only brave when I have to be. Being brave doesn't mean you go looking for trouble. )
(Well, to change the future, You got to put your behind in your past. )
5. 丁滿:「當這個世界不理你時,你也不要去理它!」
(When the world turns its back on you. you turn your back on the world! And only embrace what's next !)
6. 辛巴:「有時壞事發生了,既然你沒有辦法阻止時,何必又要擔心呢?」
(Look, sometimes bad things happen — and there's nothing you can do about it. So why worry?)
7. 娜娜:「你必須要記得你是誰,獨一無二的國王。」
(You must remember who you are. The one true king.)
來源:Everydaypower;圖片來源:FB@The Lion King