【艾蜜莉在巴黎】20句職場、愛情金句引觀眾共鳴 「我已經花了一輩子想讓別人喜歡我」

文: 王庭芝

Netflix新劇《艾蜜莉在巴黎》(Emily in Paris)近日人氣爆燈,劇集講述來自美國芝加哥的小資女Emily (Lily Collins 飾) 隻身遠赴巴黎工作,人生路不熟的她在工作和感情都遇上種種挑戰,劇中不少精彩對白道出現代人職場和情場心聲,亦有些反映法國獨特的文化,以下20句金句有沒有引起你的共鳴?

Fake it till you make it. 



I think the Americans have the wrong balance. You live to work. We work to live. It's good to make money, but what you said success, I said it's punishment. 



You came to Paris and you don’t speak French. That is arrogant. 



I like Paris, but I’m not really sure Paris likes me.  Maybe that's okay. I've spent my entire life wanting to be liked.



The French are romantics, but they’re also realists. 



So here, the customer is never right. 



Sometimes the best relationships are complicated. 



You are the best type of influencer. One that doesn’t realize the type of influence they have over others. 



The wonderful thing about Paris is nobody judges you for doing nothing. It's practically an art form here.



I’m not somebody who can share a crepe. I need the whole crepe. 



Sometimes your dream is somewhere you didn’t expect it to be.



Happy endings are very American. I want to see life. 



Thinking you could escape life is your problem, you can never escape life. Never. Welcome to the French ending. 



I don't want 100% of anyone, and I don't want anyone to have 100% of me. And if you're committed or married, that can’t happen anyway. That's a fairytale. Bad movie. 



Perfume is like in life, one has to balance the sweet with… stinky. 



When two things are next to each other, we're forced to compare them.



But I'm the girl who shows up, not the girl who makes bad decisions.



Everything is 'pas possible!' It's the French motto.



Fearless is starting something from zero, marking something that's all your own.



Fashion is not about a concept, it's about looking beautiful.





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