Due to hectic working schedules, Ming’s parents do not have enough time to be with him. Ming spends most of his time with May, the domestic helper, and his grandparents. So he has developed his own way of interacting with various adults during weekdays and weekends. Yet, after travelling with his parents for a few days during a long holiday, he realised there must be something wrong with the way he interacts with his parents during weekends. His parents gradually became fretful. They got mad easily like active volcanoes, and always argued with him over the trivia. Has Ming done something wrong? Or were Ming’s parents just too busy to care about him? And how could Ming calm his parents’ volcanic tempers finally? |
演出時間: 每場演出長約45分鐘,不設中場休息 |
類別: 表演藝術及電影 |
年齡限制: 歡迎3歲或以上人士觀看 |
連結: 網上購票 詳情 |
- 日期2016年3月18日 - 2016年3月20日
- 地址 上環文娛中心 (展覽廳)
- 主辦機構大細路劇團主辦 康樂及文化事務署贊助
- 表演日期2016年3月18-19日 (五至六) 晚上7:30 2016年3月19-20日 (六至日) 上午11:00及下午2:30
- 費用$150
- 開售日期2016-01-15