【網購優惠】Marc Jacobs網購減價低至5折 精選15個抵買手袋款式

文: Tracy Chan

人氣手袋品牌Marc Jacobs於網購平台Farfetch推出減價優惠,多款手袋低至半價起,當中包括人氣Snapshot相機包、斜揹袋、Tote Bag等,適合配襯不同服飾及造型。以下就為大家精選了15個抵買手袋款式,即刻睇睇有冇心水。

Marc Jacobs The Softshot camera bag 原價$3590;6折價$2154 >按此看購買詳情<

Marc Jacobs The Sure Shot camera bag 原價$3890;6折價$2334 >按此看購買詳情<
Marc Jacobs The Softshot 27 crossbody bag 原價$4390;6折價$2634 >按此看購買詳情<
Marc Jacobs The Sure Shot bag 原價$3890;6折價$2334 >按此看購買詳情<
Marc Jacobs The Status round crossbody bag 原價$4390;55折價$2415 >按此看購買詳情<
Marc Jacobs The Metallic Textured Box 23 bag 原價$4390;6折價$2634 >按此看購買詳情<
Marc Jacobs The Mini Cushion bag 原價$4090;6折價$2454 >按此看購買詳情<
Marc Jacobs The Editor tote bag 原價$4990;5折價$2495 >按此看購買詳情<
Marc Jacobs The Tag Bauletto bag 原價$4390;5折價$2195 >按此看購買詳情<
Marc Jacobs The Saddle bag 原價$5690;6折價$3414 >按此看購買詳情<

Marc Jacobs The East West logo shopper tote bag 原價$3490;6折價$2094 >按此看購買詳情<

Marc Jacobs The Mini Protégé tote bag 原價$4090;6折價$2454 >按此看購買詳情<
Marc Jacobs The Small Nomad Gotham crossbody bag 原價$4090;6折價$2454 >按此看購買詳情<
Marc Jacobs The Jelly Snapshot bag 原價$4090;6折價$2454 >按此看購買詳情<
Marc Jacobs The Box crossbody bag 原價$3390;6折價$2034 >按此看購買詳情<



  • 地址 Farfetch


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