【黃心穎復出】黃心穎自作曲《Crown Me》歌詞傾吐谷底心聲 自稱cheap、naughty不忘自曝三圍數字

文: 羅志宏

黃心穎復出做歌手引起極大討論,自2019年「安心事件」後形象插水後神所隱4年,今日(14日)情人節正式以唱跳歌手的身份推出新歌《Crown Me》,更親自作曲、填詞,並由男友泥鯭有份編曲監製。歌詞中更顯然是傾吐心穎4年來沉寂於谷底的心聲,MV暗示相當耐人尋味。

黃心穎復出的新歌《Crown Me》MV於14日晚上8時正式面世,MV中先後換上3個造型,除了谷胸上陣鏡頭不斷高炒,更以白色西裝配肉色貼身裝,盡顯豐滿上圍,又以綠色唱跳女郎look登場,形象百變。MV中更見不少耐人尋味的暗示,黃心穎疑被外界困在一片負評謾罵中,她用力撕破障礙,大展她的笑容、瘋狂扭動、自摸身材,舞姿更勁扭蛇腰,極致妖艷形象。


即睇黃心穎 《Crown Me》MV:

黃心穎復出第一擊以唱跳歌手身份推出新歌《Crown Me》,並於今日(14日)情人節正式上架音樂平台和MV面世。黃心穎神隱4年的心聲,從其親自填詞的字句就可窺探一二,從兩段主歌可見,她以「naughty」、「bitch」、「cheap」自貶,亦不忘提到自己在外表上已整裝待發,以「flashy」、「beauty」,寫到五官更見精緻,只想要「你」的留言、關注、點擊。

不過,重點當然是副歌歌詞,黃心穎集結起自己的外觀優勢,先搬出自已的招牌笑容「perfect smile 3 inches wide」,再自曝最新的三圍數字「the desired 33-23-35」,比起10年前參選港姐的「33.5-23-33」狀態更見勻稱,再直接以一句「我已改好了我的人格,為什麼這對你和我來說還未夠?」相當有揣測空間。


黃心穎《Crown Me》

  • 作曲:黃心穎
  • 填詞:黃心穎     
  • 編曲:泥鯭/Him Hui/黃心穎
  • 監製:泥鯭/Him Hui/黃心穎
Crown me naughty
Crown me bitch
Crown me beauty
Just crown me please
My teeth is pearly
My brows are trimmed
My face is pointy
My waist is cinched
Come and give me a score
I'm ready for you to make me belong
I've got the perfect smile 3 inches wide
I've got the desired 33-23-35
I've got my personality revised
Why is it still not enough for you and I
Crown me flashy
Crown me cheap
Crown me baby
Just crown me please
I want your comments
I want your views
I want the attention
Just like me please
Come and give me a score
I'm ready for you to make me make me make me belong oh
I've got the perfect smile 3 inches wide
I've got the desired 33-23-35
I've got my personality revised
Why is it still not enough for you and I
My virtual self has her virtual words
And her virtual vision of unconditional love
This very virtual world got me my virtual belief
That the best part of me is my virtual worth
I've got the perfect smile 3 inches wide
I've got the desired 33-23-35
I've got my personality revised
By me for me to me enough for me and I




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