Niantic CEO曾公開表示每2星期會更新一次Pokemon GO,繼上一次8月8日後,22日再有更新!官方預告了3項主要更新,第一項似乎相當實用!
圖:gamespot.com1. 各team的隊長會為每隻小精靈提出簡單的概括評價,讓訓練員可以知道小精靈的攻擊或防守能力強弱,也會幫忙決定哪一隻最具戰鬥潛力。
預計在小精靈的數據頁面右下角的選項一列,將會增設一項名為Appraise,在玩家到達Level 5,並選定了Team後,隊長會在此說一句短評,例如"It is matched equally by its Defense" "I see that its best attribute is its HP"。雖然無直接列出小精靈的攻守數值,但大大方便了玩家判斷小精靈在哪方面比較強。
圖:twitter@werwin11圖:twitter@werwin11圖:twitter@werwin11圖:twitter@werwin112. 開發團隊正在研究加入更多新功能。
3. 少少修正
- Implemented Pokémon Appraisal: Trainers will now be able to learn about a Pokémon’s attack and defense capabilities from their Team Leader (Candela, Blanche or Spark) to determine which of their Pokémon have the most potential for battle.
- We are still working hard on several new and exciting features to come in the future of Pokémon GO.
- Minor bot fixes
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