

今日推出的Pokemon GO更新,主要是加入了各TEAM隊長為訓練員評價小精靈的元素。有關更新的詳情可見《幫你查IV睇小精靈強弱?Pokemon GO官方更新搶先睇》。每次問隊長都可以得到最少3句的評語,不計開場白,第一句是根據小精靈IV的高度而概括評鑑。隊長客客氣氣,連CP10的鯉魚王也沒有負評,到底可以如何解讀隊長言下之意?



Team Mystic (藍隊)

80-100%: “Overall, your (Pokemon) is a wonder! What a breathtaking Pokemon!”

67 - 79%: “Overall, your (Pokemon) has certainly caught my attention”

51 - 66%: “Overall, your (Pokemon) is above average”

0   - 50%: “Overall, your (Pokemon) is not likely to make much headway in battle.”


IV 77% 的Exeggutor,隊長的確是說出67-79%的評語,"caught my attention"。 

IV 68%的啟暴龍,若根據以上分析,應該可以得到"caught my attention"的評語,但隊長卻只是說"above average"??? 

IV 54%的背背龍,隊長認為"not likely to make much headway in battle"......原因可能因為隊長看的是min IV,背背龍的min IV是48%,啟暴龍則是62%,這樣就說得通了。 

IV 23%的獨角蟲,得到最低評價很正常吧。 



另外2 team的隊長亦同樣有分4種評語,字眼上略有不同。 


Team Instinct (黃隊)

80-100%: “Overall, your (Pokemon) looks like it can really battle with the best of them!”

67 - 79%: “Overall, your (Pokemon) is really strong!”

51 - 66%: “Overall, your (Pokemon) is pretty decent!”

0   - 50%: “Overall, your (Pokemon) has room for improvement as far as battling goes.”


Team Valor (紅隊)

80-100%: “Overall, your (Pokemon) simply amazes me. It can accomplish anything!”

67 - 79%: “Overall, your (Pokemon) is a strong Pokemon. You should be proud!”

51 - 66%: “Overall, your (Pokemon) is a decent Pokemon.”

0   - 50%: “Overall, your (Pokemon) may not be great in battle, but I still like it!”


資料來源:Pokemon GO HubHeavy.com


Pokemon GO相關情報:

幫你查IV睇小精靈強弱?Pokemon GO官方更新搶先睇


第三方地圖末日?Nearby 功能料9月正式登場

真係棄玩Pokemon GO?交易功能估計10月登場

第二代最強小精靈排名 伊貝、噴墨海馬將會大派用場!



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