同場加映:父親節快樂| 鄭俊弘兒患天使綜合症最享受沖涼 感激囝囝:佢令我學識活在當下
Lisa分享童年到成長後跟表哥Andrew Tham的合照,原來Andrew是一名拳擊好手,過往曾經獲得蘇格蘭羽量級的拳擊總冠軍,在他的IG有不少有關他拳擊練習和比賽的照片,最近一次的貼文是5月17日Andrew為比賽過磅的影片,直至日前他的IG被tag並寫上Andrew死於電單車交通意外的消息,實在令人惋惜。
Lisa由於身在香港工作,正忙於為劇集《武林》拍攝,未知能夠返蘇格蘭出席表哥的喪禮,她在IG留言說:「I always question whether or not to post more personal things on my page, but in the end, we are all only human. This week we lost an incredible soul, one of the funniest and kindest people people you could meet. I only have the fondest of memories, from every birthday party to chasing the dogs around the caravan park whilst everyone else slept, to teaching me how to box so I would be allowed to go to my first festival, to catching up when I'm home talking about life, training and our ambitions. The list goes on and on, I’m so thankful for the 28 years of our lives we got to experience together. To one of my favourite mixed cousins Andrew, you will always be missed and forever be the Scottish champ.(我總是懷疑到底應唔應該喺我的IG發布更多個人嘅事,但最終,我們都只是人類。本週我哋失去一個令人難以置信嘅靈魂,佢係你能遇到最有趣、最善良嘅人之一。我只有最美好嘅回憶,從每次生日聚會,到其他人都睡覺嘅時候,我哋喺公園追狗,到教我玩拳擊,咁我先可以參加我第一次比賽,到我返屋企時,大家又會一齊傾人生同分享我哋熱忱。仲有好多好多數唔晒,我非常感謝我哋共同經歷咗28年人生。我最喜歡嘅混血表哥之一Andrew,我哋將永遠懷念你,你永遠係蘇格蘭冠軍。)」不少網友都留言安慰Lisa,並為她的家人送上祝福。