
文: 捌公主

香港職場中傳電郵慣以英文溝通,對於資歷淺或英文未夠好的新鮮人,怕溝通錯誤畀同事笑;傳到客戶時又怕不禮貌。以下教你7個情況的百搭英文句子,記底唔駛再怕Send Email


圖:Business Matters


1. 傳送附件

Please find attached_____. (請找xxxxxx附件)


2. 要求對方幫忙

I would appreciate your help in this matter. (我會很感激你的幫忙)


3. 需要對方的回覆 

I await a response at your earliest convenience. (等待你最快的回覆)

I look forward to hearing from you. (期待你的回覆


4. 提點對方收過你的Email

In reference to my email of Date …(回應我早前 幾時 Email)


5. 遲咗回覆 

I apologise for the delay in replying (抱歉遲了回覆)


6. 收尾

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me. (如有任可疑問,可隨時聯絡我)

Many thanks again for your time. (感謝你抽空幫忙)  


7. 結尾祝福

除了常用的Best regards,仲可以用 Yours Truly / Warm Wishes / Kind regards





來源:learningwell2012Useful email expressions



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↓ 蔬菜量Up、味道Fruity,輕鬆攝取蔬菜營養!↓

↓ 蔬菜量Up、味道Fruity,輕鬆攝取蔬菜營養!↓

↓【限時搶⚡】AROMASE 5α捷利爾頭皮淨化液!↓

↓ 舒緩毛囊阻塞不適感 / 維持頭皮日常油水平衡!↓

↓ 舒緩毛囊阻塞不適感 / 維持頭皮日常油水平衡!↓