【蜘蛛俠:決戰千里】「世界需要下一個鐵甲奇俠」 14句對白見證蜘蛛俠的成長

文: 王庭芝

Marvel漫畫改編超級英雄電影《蜘蛛俠:決戰千里》(Spider-Man: Far From Home)大受歡迎,全球票房至今已經超過5.8億美元。今集可以見到蜘蛛俠(Spider-Man)在失去恩師鐵甲奇俠(Iron Man)後,如何經歷跌倒再站起來。戲中不少金句道出現實的荒謬,同時都反映着蜘蛛俠的成長歷程,無論是面對感情或是學習做超級英雄。大家對哪一句對白印象最深刻?


(Ned: That boy met a woman. A very strong and powerful woman. And now, that boy’s a man.)




(Mysterio: Don’t ever apologize for being the smartest one in the room. )




(Peter: You know huge, superhero kind of stuff. And I’m just a friendly neighborhood Spiderman.)




(EDITH: Even dead, I’m the Hero.)




(Nick Fury: It’s clear to me that you were not ready for this. )




Mysterio: Even if you win a battle, sometimes they die.




(Peter: The world needs the next Iron Man.)




(Peter: “You look really pretty.” MJ: “Therefore I have value?”)




(Peter Parker: Because I have too much responsibility.)




(Mysterio: Tony Stark is gone and there is a window of opportunity and someone should step up.)




Mysterio: If you were good enough, maybe Tony would still be alive.




Mysterio: It’s easy to fool people when they’re already fooling themselves.




(Happy: The one thing that he did that he didn’t second-guess was picking you.)




(Mysterio: People, they need to believe. And nowadays, they’ll believe anything.)




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