杜Sir盼用鏡頭紀錄雨傘革命 唯恐為公司帶來後果



早前,杜Sir接受英國文化藝術雜誌The Skinny專訪,稱經歷過上年嘅雨傘革命(佢用“Revolution”形容),表明想用電影講雨傘革命嘅故事,亦想拍《黑社會3》,不過佢話而家做的話會為公司帶來後果,但一定會在將來的電影出現當中嘅情操。

引文1.I do feel that what those students and young people did was show a huge respect for Hong Kong and its future. Whether or not I want to make a film about this happening if I answer from my heart then yes, I would say I would definitely want to, in the same way that I would really love to make the third part of the Election   trilogy. However, if we had to do this right now, right in this moment, I think it would have some sort of consequences for my company.

引文2. “This story and this moral element of what happened during the Umbrella Revolution and what it means for Hong Kong will always be in my head, will always be in my memory and my imagination, and it will definitely appear in my films in the future.”


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