≪權力遊戲≫第七季終於開播,早於3月劇組已確認Ed Sheeran將客串出演,估唔到第一集已見Ed Sheeran出鏡並大展歌喉,更有眼尖劇迷更發現歌詞大有玄機,分分鐘暗示第七季劇情走向。
Ed Sheeran身穿Lannister兵服,在河邊和一大班士兵紮營休息時唱歌,引起Arya 的注意。雖然只唱了短短幾十秒,但已有眼尖的粉絲發現歌詞並不簡單。
歌詞源自劇集原著小說≪冰與火之歌≫,本來是由一名歌手唱來威脅Tyrion 揭發他和妓女Shea的戀情,後來Tyrion殺死曾經深愛的Shea時亦想起這歌。
He rode through the streets of the city
down from his hill on high,O'er the wynds and the steps and the cobbles
He rode to a woman's sigh
For she was his secret treasure
She was his shame and his bliss
And a chain and a keep are nothing
Compared to a woman's kiss
For hands of gold are always cold
But a woman's hands are warm
第七季劇情早已超過小說進度,此時由Ed Sheeran身穿Lannister兵服唱出此歌,不禁引人聯想起Lannister另一對禁忌情侶Jaime和Cersei。
他們既是彼此的「秘密寶物(secret treasure)」,亦因姊弟亂倫相愛而同時感到「羞恥(shame)」和「幸福(bliss)」,Jaime更因失去右手而裝上黃金手掌(hands of gold)。第7季唱這歌是否埋下伏線,暗示Jaime和Cersei的結局落得如Tyrion和Shea一樣的下場?各位劇迷要追實喇!
來源:dailymail, A Wiki of Ice and Fire
【精選推介】女生必學6招增高拍攝法 158影到170cm無難度!